Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Peace be upon you :)
Hello everyone. It's been a longggggggggg silence, and finally I'm back! Horrayyy! I tell you what, it has been seriously a very hectic life for me since the past few months up until now, 55 days since my solemnization day. But despite those busy days, I am really blessed and enjoyed being a wife to someone whom I love so much, whom I care sincerely from my heart. Alhamdulillah. :)

Puan Nursyahirah Saupi. Sounds nice although I'm still awkward with that title ;)
I had promised few of my friends that I will keep on updating my wedding preps, but I am terribly sorry that I didn't. Honestly it would be a pleasure for me to share my experiences handling my wedding but time was so so so limited. Just imagine, I only got time to go for a spa treatment just a day before my akad nikah. Oh gosh, see how limited the time was!
So as I promised, here are some short tips to those who are planning to get married. For realization of any event (tak kisahlah majlis apa pun), you should have a planner so that it would turn out as perfect as you wanted it to be (dengan izinNya). As for me, I made my own planner (do-it-yourself-thingy) and jotted down every single thing about my preparations (check list, senarai barang hantaran, design baju, bridal, photographer, etc), including my account debit/credit. It is easy in that way, because you will know where your money goes and most important, you can manage your budget!
So ladies, below I present you my own checklist that I think might help you to figure out where to start. Jot this down into your planner, ladies!
- Bridal
- Venue
- Photographer
- Videographer
- Catering + canopy (include tables and chairs)
- Wedding outfits (bride and groom) for both solemnization and reception
- The wedding ring
- Dulang hantaran (barang + deco)
- Door gifts (guests, VIP)
- Wedding cards
- Wedding cake
- Make up artist (solemnization & reception)
- Henna
- Photobooth deco
- Emcee
- PA system
- List of guests
- Wedding songs
- Spa & saloon
And here, I would like to talk a bit about my bridal and wedding photographer, because I felt like I'm the luckiest person on earth to receive the best service from the best bridal and the best photographer in town!
As for the bridal, I took the wedding package from Rins Suzana Bridal. The workers are so friendly and they are very easy to work with. I really love their touch for my pelamin, my wedding dress, my table cake, my hallway decorations! I am so satisfied with their work. I really recommend this bridal to those bride-to-be who are in Kelantan and also in KL (they have 2 branches) and trust me, you will never get disappointed on your big day.
Go and check their website :
Next is my wedding photographer, Abg Ayie Nazri. His works are so famous and I think Kelantanese should know him, the sifu in photography. His services' price are very affordable and I really really really really love his work for my wedding! Tip top okayyy. I took 2 events from him, solemnization & reception and I got a free outdoor session. Cool wasn't it?
Website :
FB : Ayie Nazri Photography
Instagram : ayienazrie_photography
And here comes the superb wedding photos, as the prove. :)

My engagement was on the same day I got married. We're engaged for only 30mins :)

Signing the agreement form.
This is the most touching part, when a father totally gives his responsibilities to another guy. ;')

No pelamin for my solemnization night. Just a simple room decoration. Less is more, right? :)
Pelamin for our reception. I really love the sweet and simple concept from Rins Suzana Bridal.
Simple candy and photo booth, designed by me. The props, guestbook, I did everything by myself.

My handsome lil bro and sweet lil sister as the pengapit.
My family, my backbones, my support system, who had really put a lot of effort for my big day. :')
Beloved parents and in laws.

The beautiful bridesmaids.

Hantaran which I personally loved the most! Our white coats and stethoscopes. The white coats are from "fa.signature", my all time favorite. Med students & fellow doctors, check out their Instagram!

To those who are planning to get married in a young age (like me, got married right after graduating from med school), don't you ever worry about money or any other problems, because trust me Allah is always there to help us. Keep on asking from Him, keep on praying, and at the same time, keep on putting effort. Plan early & properly. Manage it in a right way. InsyaAllah everything will goes on smoothly. Susah-susah dahulu, sekarang bahagia itu kita punya. :)
And of His signs is that He created for you spouses from yourselves that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy.And I had found my tranquility, my other half. Alhamdulillah. :')

I love you, husband.
Ps : I'm thinking of what's next on Our honeymoon trip, maybe? ;)
Cahaya termasyhur